Archive for Our monuments of nature

School activity „Our monuments of nature”

Monumente ale naturii 1

Monumente ale naturii 2

Monumente ale naturii 3

Monumente ale naturii 4

  1. Vermeş Marsh  (Mlaştina Vermeş)

It is a botanical type of reservation, with a surface of 10 ha, a wet depression between dunes, with elements that characterize the Pannonian bioregion. Due to the drainage work carried out in recent decades in the Nirului Plain (Câmpia Nirului), today, the Vermeş Marsh has a smaller surface than it had before these works.  The Vermeş Marsh is located in the southwest of Satu Mare County, on the territory belonging to the township of Sanislău, on the northeast part of Scarişoara Nouă near the town of Carei. 


The Vermeş Marsh is the home of some rare species of our country’s flora, such as: Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Dianthus superbus, Cirsium brachycephallum, Euphorbia lucida, Hypericum tetrapterum, Peucedanum palustre, Taraxacum palustre, Silene multiflora, Potamogeton acutifolius, Hottonia palustris.

This site is also very important from a faunistic point of view, being especially known for the birds that live here. This marsh is the only place in our country where the common snipe Gallinago gallinago has been found nesting, probably being the home of the shore nesting woodcock Limosa limosa.

From the amphibians, the Vermeş Marsh is also the home of a rare speciea from our country, namely the marsh-frog – Rana arvalis..   

The marsh preserves some glacial relicts, which vegetate in optimal conditions, although it is located at extremely low altitude limits (150 – 300m). 

These relicts are: Calamagrostis neglecta (the field reed), Calamagrostis canescens and Carex appropinquata.

Dues to the drainage works in this area, many glacial relicts that have been very well preserved in the marsh, as well as relict vegetation associations are threatened with extinction: Calamagrosti – Salicetum cinereae, Carici-Calamagrostetum neglectae and Caricetum appropinquatae.

Other interesting plant species can be found  here, too:

      – Carex echinata,

      – Cirsium brachycephalum (thistle)(DH)

      – Eriophorium angustifolium,

      – Hottonia palustris (swamp violet),

      – Nymphaea alba (white water lily),

      – Orchis coriophora,

      – Peucedanum palustre,

      – Radiola linoides,

      – Ranunculus lingua (crowfoot),

      – Salix rosmarinifolia,

      – Saxifraga tridactyles,

      – Silene multiflora,

      – Stratiotes aloides (forfecuţa bălţii),


2. The Carei Arboretum (Parcul dendrologic din Carei)

It was declared a protected area in 1995. The urban development of Carei was greatly influenced by the “oasis” of green space surrounding the Karolyi Castle. The Karolyi family’s correspondence revealed the fact that in 1698 there used to be a garden which, in addition to its ornamental value, had an economic role as well because next to the carefully placed flowers and pavilions the fruit trees and herbs were present, too. 

The garden is gradually enriched. In 1708 some linden trees were planted in the proximity of the citadel, an event that is already mentioned in the chronicles at the end of the last century. In 1715, Karolyi S. sends his wife several species of “Italian trees”, which were transported on a ship. A. Huber’s description, dated 1757, informs us with sufficient precision about the existence of a large and valuable park in Carei, which is located near the citadel’s walls, with various flowers and exotic trees. In the early 19th century, the park was placed on the west side of the castle, where most of the century-old trees can be still found today. One of the plane trees near the castle has been planted during that period, in 1810.

In 1877 a fence surrounds the park, and in 1890 new areas are added to its western part, thus outlining the shape that is maintained until today. An important event that led to the prosperity of the park was the construction of the water tower and additional buildings. Currently the park is spread over an area of 10.3 ha, the land having a mixed character. The 1970 inventory of the wooden species revealed the presence of no more than 110 exotic and indigenous species, some of them being rarities of the dendrological flora grown in Romania, other representing true records through their sizes.

From the valuable wood essences, mentioned in specialized literature, currently 13 species are present in the park:  Ginkgo biloba L., Green Duglas(Pseudotsuga menzienii), Liboceddrus decurrens Torr., Carya cordiformis, Beech(Fagus sylvatica), White Mulberry(Morus alba L. cv. Pyramidalis), Gymnocladus dioica, Japanese Acacia(Sophora japonica L.), Field Maple(Acer pseudoplatanus L. f. palmatifidum, Acer platanoides L. cv. Palmatifidum), Horse Chestnut(Aesculus parviflora, Aesculus x carnea), Flowering Ash (Fraxinus ornus L), yew (Taxus baccata) etc.

3.    The Plain of Carei

The Plain of Carei includes several types of habitats

  • Wet inter-dune depressions
  • Dunes with Corynenephorus and Agrostis;
  • Pannonian dunes*;
  • Water courses from plain areas, up to those from the mountains, with vegetation made up of Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion;
  • Rivers with muddy banks and a vegetation of Chenopodion rubri and Bidention;
  • Pannonian grasslands;
  • Grasslands with calcareous, peaty and clayey soils;
  • Communities of hydrophilic tall herbs on the skirts of the forests (from the level of plains to those of mountains);
  • Low altitude grasslands (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis);
  • Alluvial forests withAlnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)*;
  • Mixed riparian forests with Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis, Fraxinus excelsior sau Fraxinus angustifolia, along the great rivers (Ulmenion minoris);
  • Euro-siberian steppe vegetation with Quercus spp*;
  • Balkan-Pannonian forests of oak;
  • Water meadows with Salix alba and Populus alba.


The plain of Carei has a special importance because of:

      – Mammalian species: Spermophilus citellus (ground squirrel);

      – Species of amphibians and reptiles: Bombina bombina (red-bellied bittern), Emys orbicularis (water turtle), Triturus cristatus (crested triton) şi Triturus dobrogicus (Dobrogea crested triton);

      – Fish: Cobitis taenia (groundling), Misgurnus fossilis (eel), Rhodeus sericeus amarus (rhodeus), Umbra kramerii (umbra); 

– Invertebrate species: Callimorpha quadripunctaria – priority species , Euphydryas maturna, Lycaena dispar, Maculinea teleius, Odontopodisma rubripes;

       – Plant species: Adenophora lilifolia, Aldrovanda vesiculosa (otrăţel), Angelica palustris (marsh angelica), Cirsium brachycephalum (pălămidă), Eleocharis carniolica, Iris humilis sp.arenaria (iris), Marsilea  quadrifolia (marsh clover), Pulsatilla pratensis sp. hungarica (pasque flower – priority species)


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